Awareness raising of business stakeholders
Awareness raising with SMEs
In Denmark, partner FHFC managed to work with 53 SMEs for awareness raising on development issues. Several individual and follow-up meetings with business representatives (hotels, restaurants, textiles companies etc.) at their request were conducted to meet up to the requirements of the individual SMEs.
In 2014, a practical workshop on social entrepreneurship, awareness raising on FT and global issues by addressing the Agenda 21 for SME’s stakeholders was organised by the Czech partner EAP. The participants learned about the concept of social entrepreneurship and its close connectedness with the concept of FT.
The Austrian Partner Südwind realized two good practice seminars on the global engagement of local businesses and communities:
The seminar “Communities in the One World: local implementation of Global Engagement” promoted Fairtrade and assisted local authorities and stakeholders involved in Fairtrade Towns to get new ideas on how to implement global engagement locally in the community. Mayors, borough councillors and SMEs participated in the seminar.
The seminar “Green economy as an alternative?!” was part of the fair “WearFair & mehr 2014” in Linz, the biggest fair in Austria for sustainable lifestyle. Experts talked about Green Economy as an alternative, presenting fair procurement and global engagement of businesses as well as good practice examples all around Europe. Precisely the topic fair work clothing was discussed.
Round tables on sustainable entrepreneurship, development cooperation and public procurement
In the Czech Republic and in Austria in each case three round tables were conducted. They brought together representatives of municipalities, social and sustainable SMEs, professional associations, NGOs, development experts and the public.
The Czech partner EAP realized round tables on development cooperation ,,Beyond the MDGs”, an event in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on “Debts and Development” and the third one on “Climate change – COP 21 and development”.
Südwind’s first round table with the title “Sustainopreneurship – mehr als ein Fremdwort!?” in Linz with 80 participants gave the possibility to share views about economic, ecological and social sustainability as a tool for development. The second one focused on social and ecological criteria for public procurement and was placed under the roof of the question “How fair is Fair Trade? Social and ecological criteria for public procurement”. The third round table was held on “Business Engagement in Development Cooperation”.
Video round table “Sustainopreneurship – mehr als ein Fremdwort!?” (from minute 30 onwards)
Events and results in Austria
Austria: Brochures „Gemeinden Globalisierung Engagement“ and “Ethical Fashion Guide”
After researching various good practice examples of business and local communities, Südwind realized the two brochures “Local businesses in global engagement” and “Local communities in global engagement”.
The first brochure is the accompanying booklet to the exhibition. It describes how communities can be active in development cooperation, global responsibility and sustainability. The examples reassure communities that are willing to change given structures and to choose a more sustainable pathway.
The second brochure with the title “Ethical fashion guide” focuses on issues such as fair consumption and production, ethical supply chains, labels and what is behind them, market opportunities, sources of supply and so on. Good-practice examples and interviews with business people introduce a broad perspective to the topic.
- Brochure Gemeinden Globalisierung Engagement
- Brochure part 1Brochure part 2
- Brochure Ethical Fashion Guide
- Link to the documentDocument on the Südwind website
Austria: poster exhibition “Gemeinden Globalisierung Engagement“
The main idea of the poster exhibition titled “Gemeinden, Globalisierung, Engagement” is to introduce the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and connect the goals with the possibilities communities have to engage themselves in development cooperation, sustainability and global responsibility. Concrete actions are described such as how to become a Fairtrade Town.
- Poster exhibition
- Link to the document
Events and results in Germany
Alumni Workshop on TTIP
The ASH worked with alumni networks and successfully carried out an alumni workshop entitled “TTIP and sustainable development in Europe” on 14 July 2015, connecting 25 alumni of the master studies “Networking management – Education for Sustainable development” (BNE). The positive result of the workshop was the rise of awareness about TTIP and its different impacts on sustainable development among the alumni.
International conference Labs to Public
In the framework of the Asian-Pacific week, the international conference Labs to Public in cooperation with the TU Berlin and SAP SE, took place. Start-ups, local authorities, companies and universities discussed various topics together in Berlin (27.+28.05.2015)
- Report
- Link
Panel discussion on the Bazaar Berlin 2014
At this year’s fair Bazaar Berlin (formerly Importshop Fair) for the first time the Fair Trade Market took place with a clearly labeled Fair trade fair area. Only Fair Trade products were shown. On this occasion on 13.11.2014 a panel discussion took place. Producers from Ghana met representatives of Berliner trades and discuss the question: “What is Fairness in Ghana and Germany?”
- Flyer and invitation
- FlyerInvitation
International conference on urban violence prevention
“Community Based Urban Violence Prevention Strategies & Experiences” in der Senatsverwaltung 05-07.06.2014
- Documentation and programme
- Documentation-english/spanishProgramme
Workshop China: Cooperation and information on Chinese transformation processes
Implementation of the workshop at the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research on 16 April 2014
“Fair wins! How producers and traders can benefit from trade with fair products”, 18.02.2014
- Welcome speech by Eckhard Bock, Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research
- English
Expert event on Communal Development Cooperation in Berlin
Expert event on Communal Development Cooperation in Berlin – approaches, experiences and exemplary projects in the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research, 5th of February 2014
- Documentation
- Deutsch
Development Policy Conference as part of the Asia-Pacific Weeks 2013
From 10th to 12th June 2013, the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research, the Development and Peace Foundation, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), with support from the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), carried out the Development Policy Conference as part of the Asia-Pacific Weeks in Berlin.
Under the title of „Cities in Transformation – Pioneers for Sustainable Development”, international experts discussed future-oriented forms of sustainable city development, based on experience from Asian cities. Approaches for cooperative cities and their environmentally friendly and energy efficient development were in the foreground. Further topics included sustainable development and water management, as well as approaches of participative city development and urban housing policy.
City planners, architects, practitioners and scientists from cities in China, India, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Indonesia discussed with experts from the GIZ and the ADB from Asia, as well as with experts from Germany, how to strengthen city development towards a high quality of life.
Secretary of State Guido Beermann opened the event together with Klaus Brückner, leader of the GIZ Berlin representation. On the evening of the opening day, Hans-Jürgen Beerfeltz, Secretary of State of the BMZ, invited all participants to the BMZ evening reception and discussion.
- Documentation of the Development Policy Conference 2013
- EnglishEnglish – short versionGerman German – short version
- Futher reports, speeches and presentations on the Development and Peace Foundation
- website
Thesis paper regarding the conceptional development of the cooperation between local authorities and city networks
Die entwicklungspolitischen Fachtage 2013, die im Rahmen der Asien-Pazifik-Wochen durchgeführt
worden sind, haben Experten für nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung zusammengeführt und einen
qualifizierten Austausch zu städtischen Problemen ermöglicht. Gemeinsam ist festgestellt worden, dass die Verstärkung des Austauschs zwischen Städten und der Aufbau von Human Capacity Building im Feld der nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung zukunftsweisende Impulse geben kann. Um diese Prozesse weiter zu unterstützen, ist dieses Konzeptpapier entwickelt worden.
Ziele der UN Post 2015-Development Agenda; Bereiche, die durch nachhaltige Stadtentwicklungsprozesse und good governance beeinflusst werden können
- Thesenpapier
- Deutsch
Events and results in Denmark
Networking awareness-raising and competence development with SME and Stakeholders
- Participation in international awareness-raising event ‘Reframing the Message’ 08.04.2013
- Participation in the seminar ‘Fairtrade Towns Denmark’ (enhancing collaboration on increasing the number of Fairtrade towns in Denmark) 24.09.2013
BRK and FHFC jointly networked with 53 local SMEs and the media and strengthened successfully the collaboration with CISU (Civil Society in Development, association of Danish CSO’s working in development) and FairTrade-Danmark.To address and select SME’s to work with, close cooperation with the umbrella organizations within their respective sectors have been established. For example, with HORESTA (association for the hotel, restaurant and tourism industry in DK ), Naturstyrelsen (Danish Nature Agency, i.e. cooperation on fairtrees, Kbh’s Madhus (Copenhagen Foodhouse) and ACAB (association of arts&crafts Bornholm).